Friday, May 29, 2009

Michael H. asked about the Bad Girlz of tennis over on Twitter...

So it is my pleasure to provide this video of Switzerland's Patty Schnyder vs. Spain's Conchita Martinez (now retired) from a while ago that took place in beautiful Charleston, SC. To set it up, this was a hotly contested match, and as superstitious players often do, Martinez was asking the ballkids for the same ball back after she would win a point on her serve. For those who are not avid tennis viewers, there are several balls available to the server during play, and the server will often opt to inspect all the available balls in order to select the ball that appears to be the freshest. A new can of balls is opened and exchanged for worn tennis balls at certain intervals of the match. Martinez wanted to continue to play with the winning ball, apparently. Anyway, Schnyder decides to mess with that, and after losing a point asks the ballkid for the ball and tucks it in her spanks (those cute little tennis panties the ladies wear under their skirts). LOL. Watch the rest to see how all of that turned out for her.

Oh...and refusing to shake your opponent's hand after the match? Almost never done in tennis. It is considered extremely bad form. I think I've seen it twice, live anyway, in all my years of watching tennis.

Meet Patty Schnyder. Bad girl. At least on this day. ;-)


blake said...

Oh, I hate poor sportsmanship.

But that was pretty funny. (About the ball, not the handshake. That was just tacky.)

Trooper York said...

Holy crap. Tennis porn.

Now that's the way to get visits.

Darcy said...

Hey, I learned from the best! ;-)

chickelit said...

I knew that post had TY written all over it.

That woman should have grown a pair, instead of just a single- she should have grown up a bit too.

The rule of Lemnity said...

This is great - as you know, not much sports over at.. you know where ;)

chickelit said...

Lem- that's actually a brilliant observation. I've been telling Darcy that she was filling a niche here. Now I can generalize the notion into:

How to start a blog:

(1) Think of something you know about that Althouse doesn't care fig about, but is of general interest to others.

(2) Blog about it, and get her best commenters, or at least the ones who share the interest.

(3) Work it.

Hey, the formula worked for Troop using humor, sports, and babes-Darcy's got the female thing going for her, and she can cover tennis and hockey better than Troop it appears. And all of this is complimentary to Althouse, who, FWIW should be proud!

I'm telling you, Darcysport is like a bow and arrow pulled back and ready to fly!

Michael Haz said...

Loves me those bad girls! <--written with a gin hangover.

Trooper York said...

I totally cede tennis and hockey to Darcy. I never liked hockey. It was always for racist white guys from Long Island who hated basketball because it had two many white guys.

And tennis. Well lets just say it is not my cup of tea.

Trooper York said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Darcy said...

Alright! I'll be the tennis and hockey corner. And just a little corner.

I'm not a spin-off of Althouse, I'm a sprout from TY. Though I'd never have found you guys without Althouse.

Thanks for the comments, you guys. And LEM! Great to see you - and at TY too! :)

dr kill said...

Doesn't anyone find the 'fresh balls' amusing besides me?

Fresh balls? Worn balls? I like winning balls the best. And who wouldn't want to put a winning ball in Patty's spanks?

Woof woof.

chickelit said...

Careful dr kill: Darcy has a smushed ball in her masthead (ouch!)

Anonymous said...

This is a great blog.

Darcy's writing makes you want to read it, the colors are subtle but cool, and that is a fantastic masthead. The picture of Patty Schnyder isn't too shabby, either.

I'm not too much of a hockey fan, the Boston Bruins being one of the more frustrating teams in the NHL, not to mention the fans, who drag their knuckles here more than most places.

But I do follow tennis a little, so this will be a good place to catch up and to have my mood improved.

Darcy does that to you, guaranteed.

Darcy said...

What a nice thing to say, Theo!

You guys have all been so encouraging...thank you.

New post about Rafael Nadal's loss today at the French Open (first loss of his ever there - he's the four time defending champ)today coming up later! With lots of delight and suppressed giggles on my part. Ok, maybe not so suppressed? ;-)

The rule of Lemnity said...

New post about Rafael Nadal's loss today at the French OpenBig, huge upset.

blake said...

Upset? Perhaps.

Upsetting? Perhaps not.